Thursday, March 3, 2011

Last WWI vet turns 110

When I was kid, I used to volunteer to once a week go help out the elderly. Help them go to the grocery and small household chores. For about a year I helped out this lovely couple, they were both well into their eighties and that was over 20 years ago.

He had been an airplane mechanic during WWI. I would sit with him for hours has he told me tales of the Great War. Back then there was no airforce, it was part of the army. He would pull out his old leather flight jacket and cap. I imagine these items today would be priceless. His stories just fascinated me.

Back in the day, when a mechanic worked on a plane, it was a requirement that he go up in it to ensure that the plane was in functional order. That is sure one way to make sure that the quality of your work is good, if you have to stake your own life on the work you do, you make sure it's done right.

I wish him good tailwinds.

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